Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng


Meeting with Speaker of Exiling Tibetan Parliament

At the invitation of Dr. Yang Jianli, founder and president of "Citizen Power for China", a human rights organization, who is also honorary chairman of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", on July 24, 2015, members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attended a meeting in Washington DC with Mr. Penpa Tsering, speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, and gained first hand knowledge about the democratic political system that the exiling Tibetans established in India.

Dr. Yang Jianli hosted the meeting and introduced to people attending the meeting about Mr. Penpa Tsering, who announced at the meeting that he will run for the position of prime minister of the exiling Tibetan government in August 2015.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" expressed their interest in getting to know more about the experiment of a democratic political system by the exiling Tibetans, and wished that they could have more opportunities to interact with the Tibetans about the issue.

Those members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's meeting include: Liu Jingnan, Jin Lianhua, and Piao Yingmei.




释放维权律师 保障人权

释放维权律师 保障人权 




7月14日15年 许哲俊


赵春萍: 纪念六四运动26周年

时间过得真快,转眼就到了纪念六四运动26周年的时间了。在加入了中国公民自由联盟之后,我了解到了很多关于六四民主运动的知识,知道那些在天安门广场上倒下去的学生,那些被机枪坦克屠杀的青年学子都是为了中国的民主自由而献出了自己的年轻生命,对他们更是充满了崇敬的心情,因此,每一年,到了纪念六四的时间,我都要去中国领事官前,和朋友们一起缅怀遇难的学生 ,要求中国政府平反六四。




刘晓波已经被关进中国的监狱快6年了, 他在2008年写了一篇文章,叫做"零八宪章",呼吁在中国实现民主自由, 人权法制,结果被拘留,然后在2009年以"颠覆国家政权罪"被判处有期徒刑11年.在2010年,刘晓波获得了诺贝尔和平奖,这也是第一次有中国人拿到诺贝尔和平奖.



高健: 中国强拆背后的强权
