Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng









在中国的时候,每对夫妻都是只能生一个孩子的, 这就是中国的计划生育政策。我认为,计划生育应当搞,但是不能用强迫的手段去搞,比如强迫流产。在我的家乡,我曾经亲眼看到,一个邻居因为怀了第二胎,被乡里的计划生育干部半夜抓走,第二天早上被送回来的时候,胎儿被流掉了,邻居因为在做流产的时候大出血,差点送了命。我在中国的时候,不敢生二胎,因为我看到听到太多这样的事情。


"Stop Forced Eviction and Land Grab in China" (停止暴力拆迁集会)

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Piao Ri, Guo Qing, Zhao Chunping, Gao Quanliang, Jiang Kaixiong, Cui Yonglu, Liu Xijun, Ming Jian

On February 26, 2013, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", a US-based Chinese human rights organization, held a rally at the Chinese Consulate in New York protesting forced evictions and land grabs in China.
Scene of Rally 

In Recent years, there has been an increasing number of cases in which either the land property or private houses were forcibly demolished or seized by the government, resulting in protests, petitioning to higher governments, physical clashes with demolishing people, and even self-burning, resulting in injuries and deaths.
Shen Xuehua, member of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", displays a picture at the rally of forced evictions in China

To boost government revenue, local governments team up with real estate developers to tear down private houses and grab farmlands for commercial development.
Tang Fuzhen, a woman in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, burned herself to death in protest of forced demolition of her house

Tang Fuzhen, a woman in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, set herself ablaze while resisting local government's forced demolition of her house. She died of the self-immolation. However, her house was still torn down even after her death.

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Li Chenghao, Piao Hulin, Piao Chunzi, Piao Yingmei, Jin Xiuluo, Jin Tiezhen, Zheng Jinhua

The most recent case was a self-immolation in Jiangxi Province, in which a migrant worker named Hu Tengping burned himself, resulting in serious injuries, after he went back home to celebrate the Chinese New Year three weeks ago, only to find that his ancestral house was torn down by the government without his knowledge.
"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Liu Xijun, Ming Jian, Zheng Jinghua, Xu Zhejun, Li Renjiu, Li Chenghao, Piao Hulin, Piao Huazi

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" strongly protests the forced eviction and land grab in China, demanding that the Chinese government respect owner's rights to property, and immediately stop the violence, deaths and injuries associated with forced evictions.
"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Zheng Jinhua, Jin Shunfu, Liu Jingnan, Fan Guorong, Ren Chengguang

This rally is organized by Cui Yonglu, the rotating chairman of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" for February 2013.
"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Jin Changxie, Jiang Jiongri, Jin Hualin, Jin Lianji, Shen Xuehua, Cui Yuhua, Piao Guishu, Yu Jie, Piao Ri, Guo Qing

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's rally include: Shen Xuehua, Jin Hualin, Jin Lianji, Piao Guishu, Cui Yuhua, Zheng Jinghua, Li Renjiu, Piao Hulin, Li Chenghao, Jin Shunfu, Jin Changxie, Ming Jian, Jiang Kaixiong, Yu Jie, Piao Ri, Guo Qing, Cao Jintao, Fan Guorong, Liu Jingnan, Liu Xijun, Zhao Chunping, Jiang Jiongri, Gao Quanliang, Piao Yingmei, Piao Chunzi, Ren Chengguang, Zheng Jinhua, Jin Xiuluo, Jin Tiezhen, Xu Zhejun, Cui Yonglu.





"Release Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo" (释放诺贝尔和平奖获得者刘晓波)

On February 12, 2013, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" held a rally at the United Nations Square calling on the Chinese government to release 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.
2013年2月12日, 中国公民自由联盟在联合国广场举行集会,要求中国政府释放2010年诺贝尔和平奖获得者刘晓波。

Dr. Liu Xiaobo is a writer in Beijing, China. In 2008, Liu Xiaobo wrote an article named "Charter 08", calling for constitutional reform, freedom of speech, and government be elected by the people in China. For this, he was detained on December 8, 2012, 2 days before the "World's Human Rights Day".
刘晓波博士是北京的一个作家。在2008年,刘晓波写了一篇文章,“零八宪章”, 号召在中国实现宪政改革,言论自由, 政府由人民选举。为此,他在2008年12月8日被逮捕,就在世界人权日的前两天。
"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Lin Rong, Piao Hulin, Dong Zhenghu, Jiang Jiongri, Liu Jingnan, Cui Yuhua, Xu Zhenghao

On the Christmas Day of 2009, on December 25, Dr. Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years in prison in Beijing on charges of "subverting state power" for writing this article.
2009年圣诞节,12月25日,刘晓波博士在北京被判刑11年,罪名是“颠覆国家政权罪”, 证据就是他写了这篇文章。
"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Gao Quanliang, Zheng Jinhua, Zhao Chunping, Piao Ri, Xiong Liangfeng, Li Jun, Lin Rong, Dong Zhenghu

On October 8, 2010, the Nobel Committee announced that it awarded Dr. Liu Xiaobo the 2010 Nobel Peace prize for his outstanding contribution over the past 20 years to China's peaceful transition to a democracy. However, Dr. Liu Xiaobo was not able to personally attend the awarding ceremony in Oslo, Norway on December 10, 2010, because he was then serving his prison terms in China. In place of him was an empty chair.
"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Xuan Hua, Liu Xijun, Yu Jie, Ren Chengguang

Since Dr. Liu Xiaobo was arrested, his wife Liu Xia has been under house arrest in Beijing, and she was not able to access the internet, was not allowed to use a cellphone. Her communication with the outside world has been cut off.

Liu Xiaobo and his wife Liu Xia

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" calls on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo immediately and unconditionally, return freedom of speech to the Chinese people. "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" also calls for the removal of house arrest for his wife Liu Xia.

Some members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", including Gao Quanliang, Cao Jintao, Liu Jingnan, Piao Yingmei, and Ren Chengguang, spoke at the rally in support of Liu Xiaobo and call for his immediate release. 中国公民自由联盟的几位成员,包括高全亮,曹金陶,柳京男,朴樱梅,任成光,在集会上讲话,支持刘晓波,要求中国政府立即释放刘晓波。

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" members at rally (from left to right): Shen Yunyi, Piao Guishu, Xu Yingyu, Jin Lianji, Shen Xuehua, Jin Hualin, Li Chenghao, Piao Yingmei, Piao Chunzi

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's rally include: Ren Chengguang, Liu Xijun, Liu Jingnan, Shen Xuehua, Jin Hualin, Jin Lianji, Xu Yingyu, Zhao Chunping, Zheng Jinhua, Xiong Liangfeng, Lin Rong, Dong Zhenghu, Jiang Jiongri, Cui Yuhua, Li Chenghao, Yu Jie, Piao Ri, Piao Guishu, Xu Zhenghao, Xuan Hua, Li Jun, Gao Quanliang, Piao Hulin, Shen Yunyi, Piao Chunzi, Guo Qing, Piao Yingmei.