Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng



作为一名文科生,我自认为对中国的政治历史有足够的了解。我们从初中起就学习了中国的国体政体, 四项基本原则, 而我们也一直被灌输中国共产党的好, 而我也从来不知道中国有政治犯。在大学的时候,同学在英语课上提到过天安门的六四暴力事件,但是老师制止了她,她也没有多说,之后我自己上网搜索,找不到任何资料。这在我心中一直是一个谜,之后变渐渐淡忘了,直到后来我来到美国,加入了公民自由联盟,了解到了人民权利,网络自由,才想起去网上搜索六四运动。当我上了Google搜索之后,我从wikipedia得到的信息是我之前在中国完全无法得到的,还有Youtube上的视频。学生的活动是一场为了加速政治改革、反对贪污腐败、提倡自由民主的运动,然后中国政府却开着坦克进天安门,对手无缚鸡之力的人民进行扫射!Youtube上的视频画面如此的血淋淋,谁敢相信自称是人民的公仆的人会如此残害自己的人民!又有如此多的无辜的工人学生被抓捕入狱!这是多么的令人心痛啊!我深爱的祖国尽然如此对待他的人民!如果我没有来到美国,我想我这辈子都不知道中国政府对中国知识青年做的如此残忍的事情。中国政府一直在指责日本政府参拜靖国神社及不承认对中国人民造成的伤害,自己却在隐瞒和美化六四事件,让我们这些8090只知道中国共产党的光辉历史。我庆幸我来到美国,我了解了历史的真相,然而那些还在中国的年轻一代,他们有权力知道过去发生了什么,就像德国人战败后用于承认错误,是会得到世人的原谅的。

