Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng




见到陈光诚,我无比激动,在过去,我只是在电视上,报纸上和互联网上看到有关陈光诚的消息,知道他是为了那些被强迫流产和结扎的妇女维护自己的权利,帮助他们打官司,结果政府不高兴,就随便找了一个荒唐的理由将在2006年判处4年3个月的徒刑,他还遭到毒打和酷刑,在2010年刑满释放后,他和家人又被软禁在家, 不让他和外界联系,手机不让用,互联网被切断,连小孩都不让上学,哪些支持他的网友从全国各地去看他,可是在山东他的家乡被政府雇佣的流氓打手拦截,受到恐吓,驱逐,殴打。在去年,2012年的4月份,他在朋友的帮助下,终于逃离了软禁,逃到了北京的美国大使馆避难,在当年的5月份,陈光诚终于被美国政府接到了美国,他和家人开始过上了自由的生活。

我为陈光诚获得自由感到高兴,我非常钦佩他在过去为家乡的人民所做的一切, 他做这些事情不是为了自己,而是为了维护包括你我在内的千千万万普通老百姓的做人的权利。他是一个人民的英雄,结果却被中国政府判定为罪犯。真是黑白颠倒啊。我们中国需要千千万万个陈光诚,这样我们人民的权利才能得到保护。












NYC Rally to Remember Tiananmen Square Massacre (纽约纪念六四大会)

On June 4, 2013, numerous organizations in New York City jointly held a rally at the Chinese Consulate in New York in commemoration of the 24th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre.


In 1989,students in Beijing took to the streets calling for an end to corruption, for rule of law, freedom of speech, and democracy. On the morning of June 4, 1989, during the bloody crackdown of the student's hunger strike, hundreds of students were killed by machine gun fire and tanks.


Since then, every year, people all over the world have been calling on the Chinese government to redress the Tiananmen movement, give state compensation to families of Tiananmen victims, and return freedom of speech to the people.


However, their calls so far have not received any positive response from the Chinese government.


This is the 24th year since the Tiananmen student movement. democracy activists, students and civilians in New York have been holding commemorations every year on the day of June 4 to honor those students killed in 1989.


Organizations in New York sponsoring this event include: China Democracy Party, China Social Democratic Party, Chinese Alliance for Democracy, Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights, Initiatives for China, etc.


Dr. Yang Jianli, a senior fellow at Harvard University, founder of "Initiatives for China", who is also honorary chairman of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", speaks at the rally calling on the Chinese government to redress the Tiananmen movement, and respect people's human rights.


CCCR members attending today's rally include: Cui Chunhua, Feng Yanyun, Hang Yongshan, Li Changzhu, Gao Jian, Liu Zuhui, Cao Yikang, Ge Yaowei, Jiang Kaixiong, Wei Jian, Xue Yuye, Zheng Hairui, Luo Shimeng, Liu Jingnan, Cui Yuhua, Jiang Hao, Zhuo Daiwu, Jiang Yin, Zhu Benjian, Cao Jintao, Ren Chengguang, Li Lin, Quan Ningling, Piao Guisong, Piao Chunzi, Zhu Fashun, Chi Bihe, Huang Chenhui, Liu Jinwen, Cui Yonglu, Huang Huai.

"Congressional Hearing on 1989 Tiananmen Student Movement" 美国国会六四听证会

On June 3, 2013, at the invitation of Dr. Yang Jianli, honorary chairman of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", members of CCCR attended a congressional hearing on the 1989 Tiananmen Student Movement.

Dr. Yang Jianli, a senior fellow at the Harvard University and founder of "Initiatives for China", testified at the hearing about the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Also present at the hearing were Chai Ling, one of the most prominent student leaders during the 1989 student movement; and Wei Jingsheng, a Chinese dissident.

Chris Smith and Frank Wolf of the US Congress presided over the hearing.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending this hearing include: Xue Yuye, Jiang Yin, Jiang Hao, Zhuo Daiwu, Jin Lianhua, Jin Chunri, Zhu Benjian.

CCCR calls for the redress of the 1989 Tiananmen Student Movement and give state compensation to families of Tiananmen victims, and also for the release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.














Meeting with Chen Guangcheng (会见陈光诚)

Chen meets with CCCR members: Cui Shenghu, Jiang Hao, Lin Shanshu, Wan Wenguo

On June 1, 2013, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" meets with Chen Guangcheng, the blind human rights lawyer from China, in Chinatown, New York, USA.

Chen with CCCR members: (from left to right) Ann Lau, Jiang Hao, Ann Noonan, Cao Yikang, Peggy, Chen Guangcheng, Lin Shanshu, Xue Yuye, Cui Shenghu, Cao Jintao

Mr.Chen Guangcheng was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison in 2006 for providing legal support to victims of forced abortion and sterilization in Shandong Province, China.
Chen meets with CCCR members: Piao Xianghua, Han Yongde, Huang Huai, Xue Yuye, Cui Shenghu

After his release from prison in 2010, Mr. Chen was placed under house arrest in his hometown of Dongshigu Village, Linyi, Shandong Province. He was not allowed to use cell phone, the internet, and his daughter was not allowed to go to school.
CCCR members at Chen's dinner party: Lin Shanshu, Zhuo Daiwu, Xue Yuye, Cao Yikang, Huang Huai, Wan Wenguo, Jiang Hao

However, his supporters from all over the country had been trying to visit him. They were followed, harassed, and even beaten.

In April 2012, Mr. Chen managed to escape from his house arrest and took refuge at the US Embassy in Beijing. In May 2012, the US Government brought him to the United States and he and his family were able to start living free lives.

Chen meets with CCCR members: Zhu Benjian, Jianghao

Right now, Mr. Chen is a visiting scholar at the New York University.
CCCR members at Chen's dinner party: Jiang Hao, Zhu Benjian, Cui Shenghu, Han Yongde, Piao Xianghua

Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights applaud his freedom in America and requests that the Chinese government release all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, so that all people in China can live free lives.
Ann Noonan, chairman of "Visual Artists Guild", New York Chapter, awards Chen the New York Senate's proclamation of "Freedom of Speech Award"

CCCR members attending this meeting include: Deng Huanhuan, Cao Yikang, Cui Shenghu, Xue Yuye, Piao Xianghua, Han Yongde, Huang Huai, Jiang Hao, Lin Shanshu, Zheng Gangqing, Cao Jintao, Zhuo Daiwu, Wan Wenguo, Zhu Benjian.