Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng


CCCR Remembers 67th Anniversary of "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

On Dec 10, 2015, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", a U.S. based Chinese human rights organization, held a rally across from the Chinese Consulate General in New York City to remember the 67th anniversary of "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", calling on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, author of "Charter 08", a manifesto calling for rule of law, human rights, and freedom of speech in China.

Liu Xiaobo, a Christian, was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Christmas Day, Dec 25, 2009, on charges of subversion of state power for writing this article. The next year, in 2010, the Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo in recognition of his great contribution to China's peaceful transition to a democracy. However, Liu Xiaobo was not able to go to Norway to attend the award ceremony on Dec 10, 2010, the 62nd anniversary of "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", because he was then serving his prison terms in China.

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" calls for the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo and all the other political prisoners in China, and return freedom of speech to all the Chinese citizens.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's rally include: Li Ming, Lu Aihua, Geun chun Park, Cui Yingji, Piao Gengchang, Xuan Hua, Ma Meihong, Xuan Yingyu, Shen Xuehua, Piao Yingmei, Jin Hai, and Wei Jian.


朴日: 拆除中国网络防火墙

来到美国也5年了。在这5年的时间里 我 深深的体会到了 美国的 人性化 法制体系,在这里  就算最底层的 平民 也能 享受到 最基本的 医疗保障 ,普通百姓 就算没有钱 也能在 医院先看病 救治 后 以 分期付款的 方式 付钱, 可在 中国呢??? 没钱的 病危百姓 进 医院  如同 进冰冷的 太平间,没钱看病 只能 被 赶出医院,,,回家等死!  ,,,, 在中国  何时 能 让 贫苦的 百姓 过上 人人平等, 过上 自由的 生活呢! 

在这里 我呼吁大家 能够 让 中国的 同胞们 了解 中国公民 应有的 权利,让他们 了解 什么是 真正的 自由,强烈 呼吁 中国政府 拆除 网络防火墙,让他们 能够利用 youtube 这样的 网络平台 了解到 中国政府 在 大陆 禁播的 内容 ,了解真相。


"Father and Daughter in Red China's Gulag" Book Release

On Oct 6, 2015, Ms. Qi Jiazhen, a Chinese writer exiling in Australia, held a book release in Flushing, New York for her new book, "Father and Daughter in Red China's Gulag".

At the invitation of "Beijing Spring" , "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attended this meeting and learned a lot about what happened during the Communist rule in China after 1949.

Ms. Qi was sentenced to 13 years in prison when she was 20 years old, and the only reason for her imprisonment was she wanted to go abroad to study. In the 80's, she left China and went to Australia, and took various jobs, and kept writing about her father and her family, who suffered miserably under the Communist rule in China. 

"Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attended this meeting and members expressed their deep sympathy for Ms. Qi. 

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's meeting include: Cui Yingji (崔英姬),Geun Chan Park, Shen Zhelong (申哲龙),Piao Yingmei (朴英美),Liu Jingnan (柳京男),Jin Hai (金海),Jin Jinghua (金京花),Han Zhongguo (韩中国),Zheng Xinling (郑心龄),Xu Zhejun (许哲俊)。


Protest Chinese President's Visit to the United States in Washington DC

On Sept 25, a number of members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" went to Washington DC and attended protest of Chinese president Xi Jinping's visit to the United States, demanding the Chinese government to release all political prisoners and human rights lawyers, and return grabbed properties to the petitioners.

The following is a group of pictures of scene of protest.

These members include: Jin Shanyu (金姗玉), Ren Chengguang(任成光), Jiang Jiongri(姜炯日), Jin Zhebin(金哲彬), Jin Lianhua(金莲花), Jin Hai (金海)。








Protest Forced Eviction and Land Grabs in China

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Protest Forced Eviction and Land Grabs in China

On Sept 8, 2015, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", a human rights organization based in New York, USA, held a meeting and protest at the Chinese Consulate over Chinese government's forced eviction and land grabs.

Ma Yongtian, a petitioner from Changchun, China, had her factory forcibly demolished by the local government and although she won a lawsuit against the government, she was not able to get any compensation for her demolished factory. She petitioned to governments of various levels in China and nobody paid any attention. She was thrown into prison a number of times and tortured from 2005 to 2012. In 2013, she managed to come to the United States and has been protesting at the United Nations and Chinese Embassy in Washington DC, demanding her factory back.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" spoke out at the meeting and the protest in support of Ma Yongtian, and urge the Chinese government to return the looted properties to their owners.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's event include: Piao Yingmei, Jin Hualin, Zheng Mudan, Zheng Songlian, Piao Honghua, Lin Yingyu, Shen Zhenfu, Jin Hai, Piao Ri, Yu Jie, Zhao Encheng, Zheng Zhengjun, Xu Zhejun, Zhao Jianyou, Li Ming, Ren Chengguang, Li Hua, Jiang Jiongri, Ju Yuzi.








CAD Chairman Xue Wei Briefs on "China Road" International Conference

On August 11, 2015, Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights held a meeting in Flushing, New York on the "China Road" Conference to be held in Holland in August 2015.

Mr. Xue Wei, chairman of Chinese Alliance for Democracy, briefed members of Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights on the convening of the meeting and he said that people attending this conference come from all around the world, including Europe, Australia, Japan, the United States, etc, who are all prestigious figures in China's democracy movement.

Mr. Xue Wei said that this conference shall focus on the future of China, especially the road to democratization. He is also preparing for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution in China.

Members of the Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights attending this meeting include: Huang Jinghua, Zhao Chunping, Piao Yingmei, Ju Yuzi, Xuan Yingyu.


Meeting with Speaker of Exiling Tibetan Parliament

At the invitation of Dr. Yang Jianli, founder and president of "Citizen Power for China", a human rights organization, who is also honorary chairman of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", on July 24, 2015, members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attended a meeting in Washington DC with Mr. Penpa Tsering, speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, and gained first hand knowledge about the democratic political system that the exiling Tibetans established in India.

Dr. Yang Jianli hosted the meeting and introduced to people attending the meeting about Mr. Penpa Tsering, who announced at the meeting that he will run for the position of prime minister of the exiling Tibetan government in August 2015.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" expressed their interest in getting to know more about the experiment of a democratic political system by the exiling Tibetans, and wished that they could have more opportunities to interact with the Tibetans about the issue.

Those members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's meeting include: Liu Jingnan, Jin Lianhua, and Piao Yingmei.




释放维权律师 保障人权

释放维权律师 保障人权 




7月14日15年 许哲俊


赵春萍: 纪念六四运动26周年

时间过得真快,转眼就到了纪念六四运动26周年的时间了。在加入了中国公民自由联盟之后,我了解到了很多关于六四民主运动的知识,知道那些在天安门广场上倒下去的学生,那些被机枪坦克屠杀的青年学子都是为了中国的民主自由而献出了自己的年轻生命,对他们更是充满了崇敬的心情,因此,每一年,到了纪念六四的时间,我都要去中国领事官前,和朋友们一起缅怀遇难的学生 ,要求中国政府平反六四。




刘晓波已经被关进中国的监狱快6年了, 他在2008年写了一篇文章,叫做"零八宪章",呼吁在中国实现民主自由, 人权法制,结果被拘留,然后在2009年以"颠覆国家政权罪"被判处有期徒刑11年.在2010年,刘晓波获得了诺贝尔和平奖,这也是第一次有中国人拿到诺贝尔和平奖.



高健: 中国强拆背后的强权



"26th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre" Conference (纪念六四运动26周年)

On June 2, 2015, a conference was held in Flushing, New York to commemorate the 26th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre.

On June 4, 1989, thousands of students protesting in Beijing, China were killed on the Tiananmen Square because they demanded for freedom, democracy, and an end to corruption。

This conference was hosted by Chinese Alliance for Democracy, "Beijing Spring" journal, China Democracy Party, Federation for a Democratic China, etc.

At the invitation of Mr. Xue Wei, chairman of "Chinese Alliance for Democracy", political adviser to  "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", CCCR members attended the meeting.
在中国民主团结联盟主席,中国公民自由联盟的政治顾问薛伟的邀请下, 中国公民自由联盟成员们在中国公民自由联盟执行主席许哲俊带领下参加了会议。

Renowned Chinese democracy leaders, such as Wei Jingsheng, Sheng Xue, Wang Juntao, Tang Yuanjun, gave speeches at the meeting in commemoration of the Tiananmen Square Massacre that occurred in Beijing, China in 1989.

CCCR members attending today's conference include: Piao Xueling, Li Jinghong, Zhao Encheng, Li Yunu, Piao Yingmei, Zheng Zhengjun, Li Ming, Jin Lianhua, Jin Shanyu, Ding Meiling, Jin Hualin, Shen Xuehua, Jiang Jiongri, Yu Wenfeng, Cui Haiyan, Li Ruiying, Zheng Xinling, Wang Jingwei, Jin Zhebin, Shen Yinzhu, Xu Zhejun, Huang Chenhui.



















Free Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo (要求释放诺贝尔和平奖获得者刘晓波)

On Feb 24, 2015, against freezing cold, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", a human rights organization based in America, hosted a rally across from the Chinese Consulate in New York, USA, calling on the Chinese government to release Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo.

Liu Xiaobo was awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. However, he was not able to go to Oslo, Norway to receive the award because he was then serving his prison terms in China on charges of "subverting state power" for an article he wrote in 2008 named "Charter 08", calling for rule of law, freedom of speech, and constitutional reform.

So far, Mr. Liu Xiaobo has been in prison in China for more than 7 years.

“Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" strongly calls on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo from prison immediately and unconditionally, because Liu Xiaobo did not commit any crime at all when he wrote an article expressing his political views.

Members of "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's rally include: Shen Xuehua, Jin Hualin, Huang Yingyu, Jin Dayong, Jin Shanyu, Zhao Encheng, Piao Chunzi, Cui Haiyan, Wei Haoxing, Piao Ri, Yu Jie, Zhou Sufeng, Xu Yingyu, Li Renshun, Xu Zhejun, Jin Zhebin, Yu Wenfeng, Li Ming, Jin Lianhua. 



前几天,我和国内的朋友在网上聊天,说到了一些社交网站的事情,我说美国有很多社交网站,比如FACEBOOK, TWITTER等,很多人在上面交流思想,联系朋友,还有交换照片等。可是,我的朋友说在国内这些网站都上不去,我问为什么,她说也不知道为什么,就是进去不了,她也有很多朋友在国外,比如韩国,日本,她非常想通过这些网站和朋友们保持联系,但是别说开设账户,就是简单地登录这些网站都不可能。









来到美国后,我才真正过上了自由的生活。在中国的时候,我虽然没有受到过直接的迫害,可是我一直过着一种恐惧的生活,因为我们普通中国人没有基本人权 ,中国政府每天都在侵害我们的人权,他们无法无天,老百姓每天担惊受怕,不知道那天就变成他们贪赃枉法的受害者。


中国政府现在管控言论,封锁互联网的情况越来越厉害了。一个多月前,中国政府封锁了谷歌公司的GMAIL, 中国的网民再也不能使用谷歌公司的电子信箱服务,因为谷歌公司的座右铭是“
DO NO EVIL”, 也就是不做恶,而中国政府要求谷歌公司审查电子信箱的敏感内容,删除那些对中国政府不利的消息,谷歌公司不愿意和中国政府同流合污,一起做恶,所以中国政府一怒之下,就将谷歌公司的电子信箱GMAIL彻底封锁了。











2014年12月10日,我来到我们组织的办公室,参加了“纪念世界人权日” 的学习活动,聆听我们主席讲述世界人权日的来历,以及中国国内的人权状况,我们如何才能帮助那些正在为自己的自由而奋斗的千千万万的中国人民。我还听了好多成员们的发言,有很多的感想。




"Tear Down This Great Firewall in China" Rally (拆除网络长城防火墙,要求言论自由)

On January 13, 2015, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights", a human rights organization based in New York, USA, held a rally across from the Chinese Consulate in New York calling for the tearing down of the Great Firewall (GFW) and allow freedom of speech in China.

The Chinese government built this Great Firewall on the internet to block free flow of information, and censor contents posted on the internet. People in China are now allowed to log on to websites not permitted by the Chinese government, thanks to the Great Firewall.

For example, facebook.com, youtube.com, twitter.com, nytimes.com, are all banned in China, and recently, gmail service of the Google, because these companies refuse to censor contents on their websites. Google service as a search engine was forced to pull out of China about 6 years ago because it refused to do evil with the Chinese government.

Members of the "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" gave speeches at the protest in condemnation of Chinese government's blocking of the foreign websites and the censorship of the internet, calling on the Chinese government to tear down this great firewall and allow freedom of speech in China.

Members attending today's rally include: Chen Jinfeng (陈晋锋),Xu Yingyu(许英玉), Jin Yushun(金玉顺), Lu Aihua(卢爱花), Piao Yingmei(朴英美), Li Honghua (李红花), Wan Wenguo(万文国), Zhao Meiling(赵美玲), Shen Wenlie(申文烈), 柳顺福, Han Zhongguo(韩中国), Wei Jian(魏坚), Jin Meihua(金美花), Zheng Xinling(郑心龄), Jin Dayong(金大勇), Ren Hongliu(任宏留), Shen Xuehua(申雪花), Huang Yingyu(黄英玉), Jin Shanyu(金姗玉), Li Juhua(李菊花), Yang Huisheng(杨惠升).