Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng



        天安门事件已过了23周年,二十多年来,北京当局对六四定性为"反革命暴乱",并且拒绝承认错误或对死难者做出赔偿。多年来,受难者家属和异议人士不断要求中国当局追查真相。在六四23周年纪念日前夕,中国发生了多起示威抗议和逮捕行动。"天安门母亲"组织要求惩处血腥镇压天安门的相关人员,并对受难者做出赔偿。 国际人权组织要求中国领导面对史上"最糟糕的错误"。美国政府则敦促中国释放所有仍受关押的六四示威者。
再次呼吁中国,保护所有中国公民的人权。"他希望北京释放所有被"无辜逮捕、迫害、囚禁、被迫失踪或遭到居家监禁"的人。   中国当局利用网络审查封锁了敏感词汇如"六四""23""蜡烛""勿忘",企图压制对六四天安门事件23周年的相关讨论     

