Photography/Reporting: Gao Quanliang
On June 5, 2012, "Coalition for Citizens Rights", together with China Democracy Party, China Freedom and Democracy, Initiatives for China, held a rally across from the Chinese Consulate General in New York in commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre, a student democracy movement in Beijing, China in 1989 that was violently cracked down by the Chinese government.
In 1989, students in Beijing, as well as in other major cities in China, took to the students demanding an end to corruption, asking for political reform, freedom of speech. In the early morning of June 4, 1989, students who had been on hunger strike on Tiananmen Square were driven out of the site by the Chinese army, many were shot dead or run over by tanks.
Today, the number of students killed at the Tiananmen Square is still unknown.
The commemoration began with a 1-minute silence ceremony to pay respect to those students who sacrificed their lives to China's freedom and democracy during the 1989 democracy movement. It is followed by speeches by renowned ex-student leaders, activists who played important roles in the 1989 student movement in Beijing, including Wang Juntao, chairman of China Democracy Party; Chen Pokong, a Radio Free Asia commentator; Hu Ping, chief editor of "Beijing Spring", a pro-democracy journal based in America; Li Guotao, a Chinese dissident; etc.
此次悼念活动以一分钟默哀拉开序幕,在场者以默哀的方式向那些在1989年民主运动中献身的学生致敬。接着当年在1989民主运动中扮演过重要角色的部分学生领导发表了讲话,包括中国民主党主席——王军涛,Radia Free Asia的时事评论员——陈破空,创办于美国的前民主杂志《北京春天》的编辑——胡平,及中国异见人士李国涛。
Mourning music, such as "Wounds of the History", was played during the commemorating ceremony.
Those attending the commemorating ceremony demand an redress of the 1989 student movement, and publish the number of students killed during the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and state compensation for the victims' families, and bring to justice those responsible for the massacre.
Ge Yaowei, rotating chairman of "Coalition for Citizens Rights" for June 2012, led the rally and gave a speech in commemoration of the victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Members of "Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending this rally include: Zheng Gangqing, Cao Han, Gao Quanliang, Cao Jintao, Jiang Hao, Huang Chenhui, Li Changjun, Ge Yaowei, Teng Yongqin, Lin Feng, Jiang Xinkang, Guo Qing, Liu Ailing, Liu Yongjie, Xu Zhejun, Cui Chunhua, Zheng Shaoqin, Xuan Hua, Ren Chengguang, Piao Huazi, Jiang Jiantian, Jin Chunri, Shen Xianglan, Li Jinghong, Li Yunu, Cui Yuhua, Gu Xinsheng, Huang Xiaoyun, Lin Xiuzhen, An Chunyue, Yang Shunhua, Quan Ningling, Lin Guoliang, Jin Yingzi, Zhu Yongming, Piao Meihua, Jin Hai, Zheng Zhengjun, Zhu Benjian, Cao Yikang, Yin Hushan, Yang Xiangrong, Gao Jian, Jin Yanhao, Zhang Fuzi, Wei Bo, Dong Chunxiao, Zhang Xiuyan, Shen Zhenan, Li Jie, Liu Jinwen, Xuan Longyan, Zhu Fashun, Chi Bihe, Lin Chengyong.