Who We Are

Coalition for Citizens Rights is an human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech and press, and internet freedom, in China. This organization was founded in May 2008, and its former website, http://www.cfcr2008.org/, has been constantly under attack since its appearance in June 2008. Attackers have compromised this website in 2010 and placed malicious code on it. We warn that this website is not to be opened even if it is back to normal. This website, http://www.gongminziyoulianmeng.blogspot.com/, shall serve as official site of "Coalition for Citizens Rights".

Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and Chen Guangcheng

We call on the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Laureate for peace prize who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 for writing "Charter 08", an article calling for rule of law, freedom of speech and constitutional reform; and freedom for Chen Guangcheng, a blind human rights lawyer who served 4 years and 3 months in prison for providing legal assistance to victims of forced abortion and sterilization and has been placed under house arrest since his release from prison in 2011.

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo

Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng
Chen Guangcheng


"Remember Tiananmen Square Democracy Movement" Rally (纪念六四24周年)

On May 7, 2013, "Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights" (CCCR),a Chinese human rights organization, held a rally at the United Nations Square in commemoration of the 24th anniversary of Tiananmen Square democracy movement.

In 1989, students in Beijing took to the streets demanding an end to corruption, asking for freedom of speech, democracy and human rights. However, this movement was crushed by the government with violence.

During the crackdown of the Tiananmen Square movement on June 4, 1989, hundreds of student died of gunshots. They sacrificed their young lives for freedom and democracy in China.
在1989年6月4日的镇压行动中, 几百名学生死亡。他们为了中国的民主和自由献出了年轻的生命。

Since then, every year on June 4, people all over the world held candlelight vigils and rallies in commemoration of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and mourn students killed.

Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights holds that the Tiananmen Square Democracy Movement should be redressed, and all those students and civilians killed during the violent crackdown on June 4, 1989 should be honored and their families compensated.

Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights calls for the Chinese government to return freedom of speech to all the people in China, and immediately initiate democratic reform, free Liu Xiaobo and all the other political prisoners.

CCCR members attending today's rally include: Cui Yonglu, Piao Hulin, Piao Xianghua, Cui Yuhua, Jin Guiyu, Jin Lianji, Piao Chunzi, Zheng Jinhua, Jiang Kaixiong, Jin Yujie, Zheng Hairui, Xue Yuye, Jin Chunlan, Li Lin, Han Yongde, Zhuo Daiwu, Piao Guisong, Ren Chengguang, Zheng Jinghua.
今天参加集会的公民自由联盟成员包括:崔永禄,朴虎林,朴香花,金贵玉,金连姬,朴春子,郑今花,蒋开雄,金玉洁,郑海瑞,薛玉叶,金春兰,李林,韩永德, 卓代武,朴贵松,任成光,郑京华。

