On October 8, 2010, the Nobel Committee in Norway announced that it awarded Dr. Liu Xiaobo, a dissident writer in China, the Nobel Peace Prize of the year. Dr. Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years in prison on the Christmas Day of 2009 on charges of "inciting to subvert state power" for writing an article named "Charter 08", calling for constitutional reform, freedom of speech, and government be elected by the people.
On December 10, 2010, an awarding ceremony was held in Oslo, Norway for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, Dr. Liu Xiaobo was not able to go there to receive the award himself, because he was then still serving his prison terms in China.
Right now, Dr. Liu Xiaob is still in prison in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, China.
At the rally, Mr. Han Lianchao, vice president of "Initiatives for China",and Chairman Cao of "Coalition for Citizens Rights", read a list of political prisoners in China. A bell rang whenever a name was announced.
Members of "Coalition for Citizens Rights" gave speeches at the rally. Cui Chengfan said at the rally that Liu Xiaobo was only exercise his freedom of speech in writing "Charter 08", and expressing his political views, and it was unjustified to have him sentenced to 11 years in prison. Liu Xiuzhen, while being interviewed by the "Voice of America", said that we came here today to support Liu Xiaobo, and we wish that there would be more and more people standing up to support him.
This rally was synchronized with another one in Budapest, Hungary in Europe in which Dr. Yang Jianli, President of "Initiatives for China", was the host and organizer.
Members of "Coalition for Citizens Rights" attending today's rally include: Jiang Jiongri, Lin Xiuzhen, Jiang Hao, Jin Lianhua, Teng Yongqin, Lin Rong, Jiang Kaixiong, Jiang Jiantian, Zhu Benjian, Cui Chengfan, Dong Zhenghu, Ren Chengguang, Cao Jintao, Shen Xianglan, Jin Yingyu, Ming Jian, Li Yunu, Deng Huanhuan, Chen Jinfeng. Two members of China Democracy Party, Zhang Shouguang and Li Longling, also attended today's rally.